This panel includes well-established cancer-related genes as well as candidate genes with newly discovered association with cancer but may have reduced or unclear risk. Hereditary cancer syndromes with complex presentations may benefit from more comprehensive testing. Comprehensive Cancer Panels maximize the chance of identifying disease-causing variants and provide an extensive review of potential cancer risks from additional candidate genes.
The Full Comprehensive Cancer Panel examines 44 genes associated with hereditary cancer. This panel includes both well-established genes that increase a person’s risk for cancer. This panel maximizes the chances of identifying a pathogenic cancer susceptibility variant while providing a comprehensive review of candidate genes to give you the information you can use now and potentially in the future.
Who is this test for?
Adults with a personal history suggestive of hereditary cancer syndrome. Red flags for hereditary cancer susceptibility could include the onset of cancer prior to the age of 50 years, more than one primary cancer in a single person, and multiple affected people within a family. This test is designed to detect individuals with a germline pathogenic variant and is not validated to detect mosaicism below the level of 20%. It should not be ordered on tumor tissue.
What are the potential benefits for my patient?
Patients identified with hereditary cancer susceptibility can benefit from increased surveillance and preventative steps to better manage their risk for cancer. Knowing the specific gene involved can guide medical management and avoid unnecessary follow-up. Information obtained from candidate gene testing may be helpful in guiding clinical management in the future. Also, your patient’s family members can be tested to help define their risk. If a pathogenic variant is identified in your patient, close relatives (children, siblings, parents) could have as high as a 50% risk to also be at increased risk. In some cases, screening should begin in childhood.