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James Padilla
Jul 25, 20222 min read
Can You Slow the Hands of Time with a Genetic Test? Yes Indeed!
Cygenex introduces CyRenew, a genetic test with 7 key markers linked to healthy aging Interested in learning how your genes affect your...

James Padilla
Jul 25, 20223 min read
The 7 Genetic Keys to Losing Weight: It's All in Your DNA
By analyzing specific genetic segments, it is possible to develop a weight loss program that is designed for your unique genetic profile.

James Padilla
Jul 25, 20223 min read
DNA: The Missing Keys in Healthy Aging, Losing Weight and Living With Vigor
Cygenex Announces the Launch of Four New Genetic Tests for the Whole Family Do you exercise regularily and still can’t seem to shed that...
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